Hi all. We are in real cold snap again here right now. To get extreme cold like this twice in one winter around here is quite unusual. When I drove to work this morning at 5 it was -36C at my coach and I saw the temp drop to -39 going through the valley east of me. I'm sure glad I got out of bed last night to plug in my truck's block heater. Last night on my way home it was -26C. Tonight it was already at -28 before the sun had completely set! It's going to be a very clear sky tonight so it is really going to be a cold one. In fact, I would bet money that tonight is going to be the coldest night of the winter. I think I may very well see -40C on the thermometer here in the morning and it could very easily be a degree or two colder than that! Remember that -40C is the same temperature as -40F. Yikes. What a winter we're having. A real test of man and machine for sure. It's supposed to start warming up tomorrow.